Meet your new Chief of Stuff

Orderly is a home inventory app that's more than a home inventory app. It helps you get organized, own smarter, and buy better.

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Hi I’m Nick and I created Orderly because I wanted a fast and easy way to keep track of my stuff. After packing for a recent move, I found many things I completely forgot I owned. It was then the truth hit me — I’m not an active owner of a lot of the stuff I own.We talk a lot about conscious consumerism and knowing how and where we spend our dollars. But the reality is, we already own so much stuff. Imagine how much better we could be as consumers if we just up-leveled our understanding of what we own. From there, Orderly was born.Since I started tracking my personal inventory with Orderly, I have a much better understanding of the physical value of my items, I've decluttered and simplified my life, and it's helped me decide what to keep, sell, or donate.If this vision resonates with you, subscribe to receive updates and an invitation to test Orderly.
-Nick (@nr)

log your items

Your cherished belongings, and anything else, in one place

Orderly makes it fast & easy to catalog your items:

  • Previous & older online purchases - Forward confirmation emails or receipts to

  • In-store or app-based purchases - Upload or take a photo of any receipt and Orderly's computer vision AI instantly extracts key details and automatically generates a new entry categorized by type.

  • Very old purchases with limited records - Manually enter as much info as you have, adding to it over time.

own smarter

Smart features to help you own better

  • AI-powered integration to ask questions and get answers about your belongings.

  • Cost of ownership and other insights to help you maximize the value of your purchases.

  • Mark items as gifts and remember who they are from.

Buy better

AI-powered product research

The most time-consuming part of shopping can be the research process: studying a bunch of review sites and trying to decide on the item that you think is right for you. Orderly streamlines this process.

  • AI-powered search to generate recommendations.

  • Easily save recommendations to your profile as a smart shopping list.

Orderly works everywhere and is always synced

It's worth the time

Appreciate what you have.

With Orderly, you can be more intentional with what you buy and own. Start with asking yourself, what is essential? Begin with logging these items. You'll quickly realize that the more action you take, the more action you want to take.